Building a Fact-Based Media
Technology isn't really covered that well today. Western media covers only funding rounds. Why? Because they can't explain the math or science. They can't assess it from that angle. So they reduce the story to money and personalities.
You can learn a lot from expert commentary. Articles on tech in particular could benefit from pre- or at least post-publication peer review by experts in the field (investors, engineers, and founders.
We could create a system to go line-by-line on every tech article to independently check facts. We could do this in a semi-decentralized way. For an article with 100 sentences, at $10/sentence, that's about $1k. At four tech articles per day, 365 days per year, that’s "only" about $1M/year.
Backlinks and search engines are powerful tools for checking sources manually, but automatically digesting text to find sources with URLs is the next level. For example, we could autodigest news articles to find the source press releases or papers.