Notes on This Book

I built this book entirely out of transcripts, tweets, and talks Balaji has shared. Every attempt is made to present Balaji in his own words. However, a few important points.

-       Transcripts have been edited for clarity and brevity (multiple times).

-       I can’t be 100 percent certain of every source’s authenticity.

-       Please verify phrasing with a primary source before citing Balaji from this text.

-       Please interpret generously.

By definition, everything in this book is taken out of context. Interpretations will change over time. Understand that the original intent may be different from your interpretation in a different time, format, and context.

In the process of creating this book, I may have mistakenly re-contextualized, misinterpreted, or misunderstood things. As content passed through time, space, and medium, phrasing may have shifted in flight. Every effort has been made to maintain the original intent, but errors are (very) possible.

All brilliance in this book is Balaji’s; any mistakes are mine.


Tweets are formatted like pull quotes but are unique content. I use them to summarize or punctuate an idea from the main text.

This formatting shows I’m quoting a tweet.

Skip Around

This is a choose-your-own adventure book. Jump to anything that interests you and skip anything that doesn’t. Though be aware, ideas often build on previous ideas.

Look It Up

Balaji uses some uncommon technical words. If you find a word or concept you’re not familiar with, look it up and learn something. It’s what Balaji would want.


Citations like [1] indicate the end of an excerpt. I’ve done my best create smooth reading. Sources appear many times and do not appear in order. They are all in the Bonus section for your reference.

Eric Jorgenson

CEO of Scribe Media. Author of The Almanack of Naval and The Anthology of Balaji. Investing in technology startups as GP at Rolling Fun. Podcast: Smart Friends. Happy to be in touch through Twitter or email.

Table of Contents

